Feniks Engineering Project Management takes care of the project management when a project needs expertise that is outside your regular business activities.
A good project approach must lead to agreement within a limited timeframe. Available design times, availability of parts, production and material costs, delivery times and production problems play a role. All these aspects should be discussed in a tight but realistic plan.
Besides things like shape, size, weight, price, durability, appearance / design, safety, maintainability, usability
For us, sustainability and low energy are other important factors.
Turn-key projects
In a turn-key project Feniks Engineering does the whole realization of the project. At the end of the project, all that the client needs to do is turning the key to start the system.
A project is divided into the following phases:
1. Initiation phase. This phase determines what should be ready and when.
2. Definition phase. The project is defined here. In consultation with the client a list of demands will be drawn where the preconditions, wishes, functions and planning are defined and that the desirable outcome is recorded
3. Design phase. When all demands are known, we start with the design. We first make a sketch and an overall cost estimate. Now it becomes clear to the client what the global costs are. The GO/NO GO decision can be made. After the sketch follows the final design.
4. Work preparation phase. In this phase, the implementation of the project is prepared. The job description, planning and instructional drawings are made, tenders are sought and compared, commands are provided and the project administration is established.
5. Production phase. Eventually everything is initiated, defined, designed and prepared. And all of that will be produced.
6. Rounding phase. After the client has approved the project, the product is in use.